Tirebolu Anadolu Lisesi located is in the district Tirebolu, of the province Giresun. It is in the coastal part of the Black Sea Region. It is in a charming
town between the sea and the mountains. The school started education and training in 2004. It is the only academic high school in the district with 25
teachers and 400 students. English at B2 level, and German are taught as foreign languages. Our school students mostly continue their education in
university. The school is equipped with smart boards and other technological devices. Every year, students participate in many activities in sports,
cultural and social fields. Our school has not received any Erasmus + grants so far. Most of our parents are included in the middle and lower income
groups financially. Many of our students live in dormitories because their home is quite far from school. We have dozens of students who have not yet
boarded the plane and even visited other cities.

Our Erasmus + project will be one of the turning points that will broaden our students’ horizons. Although our school is close to and surrounded by
villages, students do not know much about the village. City life attracts them. The village means “work and labour” for them. We realized that we
should explain the richness of village life and the skills that it will add to our lives and futures. We must introduce village life to protect our culture and
leave a sustainable environment for future generations. With the help of social media, we plan to make villages a more attractive learning environment
for both students and parents.

Ömer Çakır and Mustafa Oruç, who started to experience with Comenius in 2010, are the contact persons in the project. Since then, they have
managed many regional and international projects. They also taught Turkish and Turkish Culture in Germany. Although the school has no project
history, these two teachers have the experience and skills to both manage their own schools and guide other schools. Biology teacher, who has good
English language proficiency, also prepared herself for the project. Moreover, technology design and geography teachers are also part of the project
team. With the support of the school administration, the school is fully prepared for project activities.

As this project focuses specifically on natural knowledge, biology, history, geography and culture, the support of teachers in this field is very important.
Since the first idea of the project emerged, the school staff and students have started the necessary preliminary studies and research for the project.